Thursday 11 July 2013

My First Post Ever

My first ever post. AAAHHHHHH!!!!

My name is Celina and I live in Waterford the 'Sunny South-east' of Ireland (which means it only rains 350 days of the year instead of 360 LOL)

If you had told me only a year ago that I would be making nice things that people would pay for,
using art techniques and all things crafty I would have laughed you out of the house!

I was even told at the tender age of 14 that I should concentrate on other school subjects such as science or English literature as I had no artistic talent or vision to speak of.  I must admit I agreed with them at the time.  I didn't like what she said, but she was right, I couldn't draw or paint anything except floors, walls and ceilings, Ha-Ha-Ha.

Fast forward umm.... a few years and I was pregnant with my second child. I was put on bed rest very early into the pregnancy and my husband and I had been warned that Alex would be born quite premature and to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Between our fears and our tears, I found something that day and it changed the course of my life!!!
Create and Craft TV.

Not sure what to get I saw a Spellbinders machine being advertised with some dies and thought wow that looks so cool!!

But I waited and watched a few more shows and thought it looks so easy and I got one on flexi-pay and waited for it to arrive.  By the time it did arrive I had bought lots of little things like paint, inks, embossing powder and well anything that looked remotely fun and easy to do.

Needless to say that what I first made was well.. crap! Until I came across a few blogs and then things got interesting.

Through trial and error I began to create and design things and cards that were at times really pretty and at other times masculine. 

So here I am terrified of showing what I can do when I don't know if anyone will like it. Then again I am doing this for myself so I really don't know how all this will turn out.

Here are a few pictures of what I have done so far and feel free to comment but don't be too hard on me and instead suggest how I can do things better.

This is just some of what I've done from last year and as I wish to improve (or evolve) I aim to show you something I have just done be it journaling, cards, mixed media or anything else I want to try and do.  I will show you as we go on this wonderfully crazy journey.  I will do it at least once a week and see how it goes.

I hope you like what I do and how I tell the story.
Thank you for reading, or skimming, or just looking at the pictures LOL!!


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